Are Kids Today Overstimulated?
The amount of entertainment options today abound, and if your children are anything like mine they want to be constantly entertained. They may have a …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
The amount of entertainment options today abound, and if your children are anything like mine they want to be constantly entertained. They may have a …
Lori Alexander gives us this: Ephesians 4 is a great chapter to study in how we are to live victoriously in this evil age and …
In Gina Loudon’s recent article, 3 simple steps to a conservative in the White House, the author lists items that I have been considering for a …
What does it say for our faith when we believe that we have to make Christ more appealing in order for someone to accept Him …
Engaged Marriage has a list of 12 Romantic Surprises to Make Your Spouse Smile. The one that I found the most interesting was: 7. Play …
Jess Connell focuses on us parents like a laser in her post Is Your Parenting Focused on the wrong things? Rather, I fear that too …
Lori Alexander laments the loss of The Good Old Days: In the 60s, when I was growing up, we watched shows like the Dick Van …