July 26, 2024

How To Live Victoriously In This Evil Age

windowslivewriterprayformypastor-c8adsay-your-prayers4.jpgLori Alexander gives us this:

Ephesians 4 is a great chapter to study in how we are to live victoriously in this evil age and explains why man is so evil without Him. First of all, God has given preachers, prophets, teachers and others “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Therefore, make sure you are listening to preachers and teachers who teach the Word without watering it down in any way. Find a strong, biblically-based church and always beware of false teachers.

God’s purpose in this is so we are not longer like babies in our thinking, but mature believers in Christ able to easily discern good from evil. Then we will be able to speak the Truth in love to others who are beginning to wander from the faith or are in outright rebellion to God’s ways. Our purpose is to become like Jesus, since He is the head of the church, our Savior, and Lord! [Living Victoriously in this Evil Age]

We need to make sure that we’re in God’s Word, that we’re praying and looking to Him for our strength.  This world is full of people and things that are trying to make our ministry in vain.

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