February 23, 2025

Godly Wife: How Does Your Husband Grow?

This entry is part 9 of 18 in the series Godly Wife

When my wife and I got married, an old family friend gave us each books on our roles in marriage. Her’s was The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and mine was The Complete Husband by Lou Priolo. One of the things that Priolo does early in his book is to talk about the roles that we have, and specifically what we were created to do.

Godly Wife, you– just like your husband– were created to be a companion and someone that helps your spouse grow. You know the most about him (hopefully!). You should know his weak points, the areas that he needs work, and should be studying to grow in your walk with God.

The famous Psalm 31 passage talks about the Godly Wife using these words in verse 26:

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

So, the question for today is, if your husband is growing spiritually, is it partly because of you (because of the atmosphere you create in the home, because you encourage him to be in the word, because of your testimony of what God’s doing in your life, etc) or in spite of you?

Proverbs 12:4 says this:

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

What are you, Godly Wife? Have you asked him? It may be hard to get a straight answer here, but it is necessary to accomplishing this goal as a husband or as a wife that we talk about who we are to our spouse and ask questions that get them to tell us about themselves. We need to create an environment where our spouse is free to be who they truly are, to reveal the inner heart (the struggles, the temptations, and the joys) instead of always having our guard up.

Question Idea taken from Questions for a Godly Wife

Series Navigation<< Godly Wife: Are You Drawing Him to You with Your Speech?Godly Wife: Who Trains the Children? >>
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3 thoughts on “Godly Wife: How Does Your Husband Grow?

  1. As to your last paragraph, when we do this, we’re usually up all night talking! Does that mean we don’t do it often enough? ;O)

    Thanks again for getting this series out to us!

  2. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of “he’s the spiritual leader, so he should have it all together and be the encourager for me”. Which if you look at it is the height of selfishness. I have been thinking about this in line with Col. 3. The first part of the chapter is talking about the unity and love that we have in the body and how we live as renewed people. Then it flows right into “Wives, be subject.” I always took it as a stopping of one idea and the starting of another, but it flows so beautifully. Only if we are living as redeemed people realizing that we are all equal at the foot of the cross and treating one another as we should as co-heir of glory can we rightfully carry out all those admonitions at the end of the chapter. So this would include what you are talking about, lovingly pointing one another to Christ and growing in Him. No matter if you are the husband or the wife.

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