Guard Your Eyes and Your Heart
We know that we live in a sex drenched culture. One that teaches young women to use their bodies to get what they want on one side, while proclaiming that they don’t get enough power with the other.
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
We know that we live in a sex drenched culture. One that teaches young women to use their bodies to get what they want on one side, while proclaiming that they don’t get enough power with the other.
Each person in the marriage relationship brings something different. They bring their perspective, their ideas and dreams, their opinions and their desires. They are two different beings made one through their vows and in the presence of God.
Imagery is used quite often in the Bible to make a point. A lot of what Christ said to His followers were in the form of parables. So it shouldn’t surprise us to find an analogy in the Proverbs that compares people to things.
Sin starts in the heart. It starts in the mind. It starts with a decision, and involves a series of decisions. Very rarely does someone find temptation and decide to sin all in the same time frame.
When a couple gets married, they’re traditionally making a series of really important promises. They are first, and foremost, promising one another their love and devotion “until death do us part.” A lot of the other vows (or promises) are geared to back up these two.
Much has been done since the 1960’s to push the idea of free love—and in the area of feminism, free love equates to the lowered morality of women. Women are now to pursue, and not just be pursued. They are to claim conquests much as men have (wrongfully done), and they are told that they should have no emotional problems with it.
Flattery is a difficult thing to deal with for the main reason that we all like to hear positive things about ourselves. We want to hear praise, that we’re doing things right, that we are the best at something—we desire that attention and that approval. Men, especially, want their ego stroked, whereas women want attention.