September 28, 2024

President Biden Needs a Win

Right now, those on the left looking at the polls are panicked and hoping for a miracle. They thought it would be Trump’s conviction, but that didn’t work. Everyone knows he needs a domestic win. Will the GOP in the House give him one?

[T]he biggest win Biden will need will be domestic. It won’t be his executive order all but banning asylum for migrants: That only confirmed that he had failed to use every option at his disposal to tackle the crisis. It won’t be low unemployment: No magic wand will erase 2022’s inflation or today’s high interest rates. It won’t be Trump’s legal travails, which seem to have galvanized his supporters…. And it won’t be finding a way to offload Kamala Harris from the ticket…. It all leaves the president with one option that can be a win for America and, ultimately, his place in history. He can still choose not to run, to cede the field to a Democrat who can win…. There’s still time, if only just. It would be a courageous, honorable and transformative legacy.

Althouse: “Joe Biden desperately needs some wins — real, not cosmetic, ones. Who in his administration is thinking about how to get him some?”

At this point, this is the best shot the Democrats have– and that’s saying something.

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