October 24, 2024

How Should the House Respond to Rep. Omar?

I’m not sure why they thought that this wouldn’t be an issue. The children of Israel and the children of Ishmael have been at war for millennia, and show very little signs of stopping. Ishmael still envies Israel and they still dispute the land of their father and the city of David.

So when a hijab wearing Representative came to the U.S. House, one would expect that she would bring with her this belief system and give voice to those in this country that share her views– of which we are bringing more into our country every day.

A Resolution to Condemn

This is the second time that she’s made statements negative to Israel– promoting what the ADL((Anti Defamation League)) calls tropes about the Jewish race. Each time she does this, Jews get up in arms, flexing their muscles, raping themselves in the flag and recalling the Holocaust.

This time around, Democrats aren’t so sure what to do:

The aftermath of that statement marked the second time since the new Congress began that the House has weighed floor action to respond to her remarks. After Omar suggested on Twitter last month that donations from pro-Israel groups were the driving factor behind lawmaker support for that nation, Republicans forced a vote on an anti-Semitism amendment to an unrelated bill on Yemen.

Omar’s fellow Minnesota Democrat Rep. Betty McCollum — herself a longtime critic of U.S. policy towards Israel — said in a Wednesday statement that Omar’s comments had created a situation that “is dividing Democrats, which is exactly what the Republican minority and President Trump are seeking to achieve.”

Democrats split on response to Ilhan Omar’s latest Israel comment

Some of the Democrats think that they should craft a resolution of condemnation of remarks against Jews. Some think that it should be a resolution against all hate speech. Some think Omar should be more careful, but she has the right to say what she said. Some blame Pres. Trump.

The reality is that in a coalition of minorities, one is constantly having to juggle which minority they are trying to represent, and as we have more divergent views instead of united views, it is tough to maintain any control over the group. A group at war with itself is a weak group indeed.

The Issue of Immigration, Laid Bare

While many proclaim that diversity is our strength, the exact opposite is the case. I’m not talking about hearing from other groups or getting new ideas. I’m talking about the fact that a group that isn’t united and pulling together in the same direction towards the same ends with the same core beliefs is not going to accomplish their goals, but have internal warfare until a common framework is restored.

History shows us this many times over. God stated that the unified people at Babel could have built a tower to the sky, so He introduced division (in the form of languages) to split the people up

Each empire– Egyptian, Jewish, Greek, Roman, etc.– that has tried to conquer lands and yet let some degree of autonomy be part of it has been destroyed from the inside, if not defeated from without. The American Empire is no different.

While unified behind a common framework, America was strong. Divided as she is right now, she is weak and ripe for attack from without (via invasion or attacks on the outer edges) or within from invasion of those that do not share her traditions and views. You see signs everywhere– from the fights over the justices to the Supreme Court to the fact that the last President is still fighting the ideas that he’s not legitimate.

To be fair, it’s not just immigrants that are dividing the nation. We are also doing a fine job ourselves!

So What Should They Do?

At a time when free speech is under attack, I say let her talk. It’s not like she is going to singlehandedly impose a Holocaust. She’s one member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and everyone needs to know where she stands. If her district wants that voice to be in the public, everyone should hear it. If the Democrats want her gone, use the ballot box next year. It’s better in the public than in private.

If it’s true that we as a people reject this view, then we really need to ask ourselves what our policies are doing and whether we need to change them.

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