February 13, 2025

How Our Reactions Define Us

We are known by our reactions to events as they happen to us, and this is no more clearly seen than in our lives with our children.  From a very young age, children seek the boundaries and they push our buttons, looking for a reaction.  Probably because of how much they copy our problems, they are easily able to find them!

It’s those reactions, how we deal under pressure, that define who we are and display the character inside. I don’t know how many times I’ve encouraged my children that, while they cannot control what happens around them they can control their reaction to it.  This is a powerful truth, which Lori Alexander brings out in a post focused to wives about their reactions to their husband, but it really applies to all of us.

We live in a time and a society that is very self-centered and that wants us to be in a constant state of offense to others.  We need to break free of this and learn to control our reactions, such that we react in ways that bring glory to God and show our maturity.

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