February 23, 2025

4 thoughts on “Glenn Beck’s Program From Last Thursday

  1. It should fail in the Senate, not because it is so horrible for the energy industry (it’s not), but because it really isn’t going to help us deal with global warming. Like much of the Obama legislation, it will look like we’re doing something when we really aren’t, and use some real need as a way to funnel more taxpayer dollars to the energy and financial industries.

    1. It’s more than “doing something when we really aren’t”, Charles. We’re doing something and digging ourselves deeper in debt. One wonders if he actually has a plan other than “spend more money.”

  2. As I wrote on another blog, I really think it was a ruse in the Congress. I think that they knew it wouldn’t pass the Senate, but could go back to their districts, and tell the voters that they did what they could, but that the Sentate didn’t pass it.

    Hopefully, the American voter gets a clue how it will be for the next four years, unless God intervenes.

    In the meantime, I don’t know what to do w/myself at
    2 PM PST w/Beck on vacation, and all. I may have to resort to reading a book or something. What a quaint idea.

    .-= Cathy´s last blog ..On How God Provided One Thin Dime =-.

  3. Wow! I didn’t know the utility bills would go up by so much if this energy bill passes. If these figures are correct, the Senate will never pass it. And if it does, then the Dems will get a huge thumpin after the gas and electricity bills start going up.

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