July 26, 2024

Someone Loves this Blog

Wooden Heart Revka, over at The Porch Light, has selected my blog as one that she loves.

Now it’s my turn. I have to pick 5 blogs to send love to and I choose (in no particular order):

  • Home-Steeped Hope – Mary’s passion for raising her family and desire to serve her Savior make her blog a must read.
  • Making Home – Jess cuts right to the thick of things and doesn’t hold back.
  • ~Clothesline Alley~ – Mrs. Brigham talks about what it’s like to be a housewife, and often takes to task modern feminism.
  • Vox Popoli – I may not always agree with what he has to say, but Vox Day’s opinions definitely challenge you to think.
  • Unfolding Grace – Mrs. Elliot has uncommon wisdom and a terrific insight.

Thank you so much, Revka, for this honor!

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8 thoughts on “Someone Loves this Blog

  1. Made my day, MIn, thanks so much! Your blog would definitely be on my list as well. It’s been a great year and a half in blogland with you, and you keep pointing me to great truths and some fantastic bloggers!

  2. Hey, MIn, I know my presence has been rather scarce lately, but I still love your blog. 😉

    I’m glad you passed on the award. I’ll check out your recipients. Keep up the good work yourself. 🙂

  3. Wow, thanks for the award, Min! (I don’t know how I missed this before!) I’ll need to put this up on my sidebar and proudly display my new award!

    I’ve been enjoying reading over here lately… I finally have gotten my bloglines account to where I’m actually keeping up with a lot of great blogs (yours is one of them), and that’s been great for me, instead of having to bloghop! Anyway, all that to say,

    “the feeling is mutual!”

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