February 23, 2025

Some More Speed Linking

There comes a time in a young man’s life– wait, that’s the subject of a different post.

Truthfully, there are so many things that I read on a daily basis, and so many things that catch my attention that I feel that I’ve got way too much to talk about and no time.

So, it’s at times like these that I’ll just point you at some articles I found interesting with a couple of quick notes, and then you can think and comment about them and we can discuss them!

The Worse You Play The Greater Number of People That Will Be Saved – All the more reason to be a poor golfer!  With the Gospel printed on golf balls, it’ll pay eternal dividends if you lose them in the woods, right?

Erotic Church Service – Some people have no problem doing whatever will get them a crowd.  In this case, the Protestant Church Assembly used an erotic dance dressed in a skin colored stocking crawls on the floor, gives forehead and hand massages to those that come, and helps them to get more relaxed.

Clown-Led Worship – Nothing brings more glory to God than a clown leading worship, right?

McClure United Church in Edmonton, Canada is the latest church to join the ranks of those churches that have offered ‘Clown-Led Worship’. Their service was sooooo unique and sooooo meaningful that it was covered by their local newspaper.

Whatever happened to reverence in the house of God?

Apparently that is long gone. It has been replaced with circus acts.

How to Grow Your Church – Finally, here’s a short video from YouTube telling you how you too can grow your church.  It goes into detail about how to attract a crowd, but then compares the current methods to those of the Bible– this one’s right on.

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