Often, we can remember to say “I Love You” and show it when we are young and first “fall in love” with each other, but when it gets to the point that you’ve been together for years, what you do and say that are not those three words mean more than saying them. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t tell your spouse you love them, but let me suggest (for the man and the woman) some ways that you can say I love you without saying it.
Connect Physically
- Hold her hand
- Giver her a back/neck massage
- Play with her hair
- Massage her feet
- Open her door
- Give her a hug
- Offer your arm
- Cuddle next to her while sitting down
- Put your arm around her neck
- Offer your shoulder for her head
Around the House
- Make the bed, before she gets to it
- Cook her a meal
- Vacuum the house
- Play her a song– a favorite of hers
- Do that project she’s been asking you about
- Do a project that you know needs to be done without her asking
- Change the infant’s diaper
- Go to sleep with her at night
- Let her sleep in while you watch the kids
- Buy her some flowers for display
- Leave notes around the house telling her how much you love her
- Write a message on the mirror with soap while she’s in the shower
- Call them from work just to talk (not during her nap
- Send her an e-mail card (but not too often)
- Write her a snail-mail letter and have it delivered to the house when you’re not there
- Call the grandparents to watch the kids for the night and surprise her by taking her out.
- Take the children out and let her have the day off
- Let her have a ladies’ night out
- Writer her a poem
- Help your kids to write her a banner or note
The problem I have here is that I know that wives are so often showing their love that it would take something out of the ordinary to be different, and yet I will list some things (and they’re probably dual purpose 😉 ).
Connect Physically
- Prepare his meals
- Run his house
- Help raise his kids
- Greet him at the door with a kiss
- Hold his hand
- Cuddle with him
- Give him a massage
- Lay your head on his lap the next time you’re watching television
- Walk over and sit on his lap
- Give him a back rub
- Give him some time to work on a project that he has been working on
- Talk to him about what interests him
- Sneak a note in with his lunch
- Call him and tell him that you are thinking about him
- Tell him that you appreciate what he does for the family
- Write a letter or something and leave it where he can find it.
- Get his favorite candy or treat just for him
- Talk good about him to your friends
- Talk good about him in front of him
- Encourage his dreams
- Obedience is the best way to show love
- Stand behind your parent’s decisions, even if you don’t agree
- Create something to give to them to display on the fridge
- Ask to help do something around the house that you don’t usually do
- Let your parents sleep in one day
- Share your favorite toy with your sibling
- Invite your brother/sister to come with you when going over to someone’s house
- Make something special for Dad to take to work
- Spend some time helping a younger sibling learn something they are having trouble with
- Clean up your room without being asked.
- Stand up for your friend when he is alone
- Be truthful to a friend, even if it hurts
- Always make time to talk to a friend
- Always listen completely to what a friend has to say
- Be a part of the group that encourages your friend to follow his dream
- Remember his/her birthday
- Be there to help a friend move
- Be understanding when the family must come first
- Talk positively about your friend when he is not around
- Be on the lookout for things that may help your friend
Things you can say to that special someone
- I adore you
- I appreciate you
- There’s no one else I could ever want to be with
- My life is not the same without you
- I care about you
- Please be there for me
- I trust you
- I will never leave you
- I will always be there for you
- You complete me
Things you can say to your friend
- Thank you
- I couldn’t have done it without you
- I owe you more than you could possibly know
- Whatever you need to be done, I’ll do it
- Don’t worry, I’ll be there (and make it)
- I promise…
- I’ll be praying for you
- I’ll be there right away
- Don’t worry, I don’t have to go
- Drive Safely
Love Poems
- Love Spell
- Cinderella
- A Special World
- If I could…
- It’s You
- A Stranger Once
- The Jewel
- Never Have I Fallen
- Your Name
- Love
And 101 – Play the Randy Travis song “I’m Going to Love You Forever.”

Images from Stock Exchange used under the Standard Restrictions explained at the link.
Great collection of ideas.
Sometimes simple things are being forgotten, and yet those are very sweet…
Wow! I especially like #’s 6 and 7 under “husbands-ideas”…and getting #3 (phone call from work) always makes my day…it’s an amazing lift to the heart and soul to hear the one you love. It’s the only time I miss having a cell phone in the family!
You left out flirting–that’s a biggie with me and dh, the teasing and flirting that accompanies about every conversation we have. 😉
BTW, WONDERFUL pics at the beginning and end of this post!! And have you heard the song by Mark Schultz, Walking Her Home? It’s a great one, up there with Randy Travis’s!
http://www.markschultzmusic.com/lyrics.php?productid=613&parentid=4798 The lyrics for it are in the third song down the page…
I did leave out flirting as an over arching idea. Hmmm– but you can flirt in so many different ways that it might require a list all of its own.
Great list, MIn!
Thanks for the list! I liked the reminders! 🙂
I am baldy in love with some. But the problem is I don’t have the courage to tell her my feelings and I don’t know what to do. It frustrates me to death seeing her everyday but not being able to get close to her. I am so restless. What should I do?
a great post, good thoughts, and ideas. Thanks for sharing it.
.-= David Parsons´s last blog ..Growing and Getting Taller Naturally =-.
I am soo in love with my boyfriend, and I want to make him know that he wont ever need anybody else but me. I want to make him know that I will love him no matter what he does and Im always here for him and he can tell me anything, no matter how much it hurts. How am I supposed to say that?
It’s an excellent post. Thanks for sharing it. Sometimes there is no need in words, often it is very important to feel that you are loved. Open her door and Offer your arm, so often men forget about these two points.
Open her door and Offer your arm, so often men forget about these two points.
a great post, good thoughts, and ideas. Thanks for sharing it.
David Parsons´s last blog ..Growing and Getting Taller Naturally My ComLuv Profile
I am soo in love with my boyfriend, and I want to make him know that he wont ever need anybody else but me. I want to make him know that I will love him no matter what he does and Im always here for him and he can tell me anything, no matter how much it hurts. How am I supposed to say that?
I will be getting married on few months. These tips will help me to make a better and lovable relationship my my life partner. Thanx for making the list.
.-= katrina kaif´s last blog ..Katrina Kaif BEAUTIFUL Wallpapers =-.
petia, a lot of letting someone know that you are there for them occurs in actually being there for them. At every opportunity, make sure that you’re there and never jump to conclusions. This is something that’s learned more than it’s told.
Through repetition, he’ll come to know that you care.
I wish some of the Gube lovers would read this and find more imaginative ways of expressing their love for the Gube than just the barrage of tweets and facebook pokes
Everything sound nice but if both person want the same. if they feel the same for each other if they want to be together.
I can be getting married on few months. These tips will help me to make a better and lovable relationship my my life partner. Thanx for making the list.
Awws. Thanks for taking the time to make this list. I thought it was very neat that you included ideas for all kinds of relationships. I’m bookmarking this page for future reference. 🙂 I can definitely step it up in the sibling area.
My wife loves a back/neck massage and a foot massage. Works every time for me.
Great post for LOVERS
Katrina Kaif
hi !
thank you for your excellent text .
I’m not a native english speaker , so i can’nt speak very well .
i’m going to use your text for my lectur in university.
thank you for every thing ,again !
you make me happy , if reply my massege !
have nice time !
good luck .
You have a great list of what to do there! I appreciate you compiling them and making an article about it. I would follow your tips, absolutely. I haven’t tried sending her snail-mail at our home when I’m not around. I’ll surely do that when I leave the country for a business trip. I remember a movie about that. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
Hi There,
The tips given are valuable.
Pradeep Roy
these tips r good..
im sure still she will not love me.
with regards shikhar arora
I love this boy so much and i dont know whether he likes me or not i am so dippressed over all of this i need some answers PLEASE HELP ME !
i love my boyfriend by we only been going out for a couple of mouths and i want to tell him but i don’t want him how i feel if i don’t know if he feels the same way what do i do please help. I NEED TO KNOW.
i enjooy little things even the littlest thing can make a big difference.
Exactly– a bunch of little things can often be more powerful than a very seldom big thing.
Your post reminded me of the saying ‘actions speak louder’. To make someone feel the love without saying it is a great feeling. Your post has made me realize the wonder in making a person feel the love than saying it. I thank you very much for the wonderful post.
Please advise me on how to approch a girl which is deaf and blind and I love 2 much
Wow! I especially like Connect Physically under “husbands”…and getting #6 (Give her a hug) always makes my day…it’s an amazing lift to the heart and soul to hear the one you love.
Wow! I especially like Connect Physically under “husbands”…and getting #6 (Give her a hug) always makes my day…it’s an amazing lift to the heart and soul to hear the one you love.
I want to to thank you for this good read!! I definitely loved every bit of it.
I have you book marked to look at new stuff you post…
Thanks, I’m glad enjoyed it!
Ohh! Great! @MInTheGap I am pretty impressed by your ideas. 😉 I must try these cool ideas. Keep sharing. Thanks! jackson
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