March 9, 2025

Celebrity Round Up – Santa and Wiggles

It’s been a while since we looked at what celebrities were up to.  Why do we care?  It’s not that I’m obsessed with celebrities, but unfortunately they live lives that people idolize, that they focus on and that effect us– if not now, in the future.  They are, in some way, a public representation of what’s going on in the hearts and lives of people and they show us (by the reactions of the media, etc.) just how far we are from the truth.  I understand that some of you might not be interested, but for others, we’ll  play a little catch up and see what’s going on.

One day I hope to be a Secret Santa– not that I want to be Santa Clause, but I want to be able to have the money to give for no reason to those in need and make a difference.

This man, Larry Stewart, found himself out of a job and on the brink of suicide, but was brought back by an act of kindness that he found himself repeating for the rest of his life.  If you want inspiration, read the whole thing.

Greg Page announced this week that he would no longer be able to be a Wiggle.  For those of you with young ones and the Disney Channel (or their DVD’s), the Wiggles are great for getting some exercise, some singing and actually having a male group working with kids.  Live action, not cartoons.

Of course, they’re also one of Australia’s highest paying performers.  In any case, Greg was diagnosed with a chronic condition that causes dizziness, fatigue and nausea.

Because of this, he is not able to sing and perform as he would like, so he handed over his yellow shirt to his understudy, Sam Moran, who has been performing in Greg’s absence.  Time will tell how children will react.  Will they notice?  Will this be a flop like what happened on Blue’s Clues?

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One thought on “Celebrity Round Up – Santa and Wiggles

  1. Greg Page hanging up his shirt? What a disaster.

    Curiously my daughter has been telling me that I am Greg all day – and we drove to Church in our big red car!

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