February 23, 2025

Happy New Year

May the Lord continue to bless us in the coming year, and thanks to Him for being with us through this year.  I pray that all of you out there that read my journal take comfort in knowing our God is faithful– He
will never leave or forsake us!

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4 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. hey there min! I pray you had a wonderful Christmas and I pray that you have a wonderful New Year. May HIs blessings, peace, joy, love, and strength be with you this whole year. God bless you and yours.

  2. We just wanted to stop in and wish you a Happy New Year too! May it be a year of blessing, of drawing closer to God, wanting more of Him… as the deer pants for the water. Thank you for all your encouragement. It is a blessing to others, I know it.

    Gayle, David, Michael with pets Chubby, Bert and Ernie

  3. The Tsunami was definitely a tragedy– but in perspective there are many people that die each and every day from all sorts of things that happen. This does not mean that God is not with us, but it is His to choose how long we live.

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