COVID-19 Shows The Failure of Modern Society
There’s a lot to learn and think about during COVID-19. One of these things is the folly of separating our work and family lives.
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Those posts dealing with the Family.
There’s a lot to learn and think about during COVID-19. One of these things is the folly of separating our work and family lives.
Do you value your wife for who she is or for what she can do for you? We need to learn from Adam that your wife is special for who she is– that mix of traits that makes her that beautiful thing that God created in your life.
In today’s society, children are considered a choice and a stumbling block. We calculate how much they will cost us either financially or in opportunities. Yet, if we were to truly look at their worth, they are a long term investment that yields the sooner you get started producing them!
In Genesis 1 and 2 we are introduced to God’s creation. Genesis 1 caps off the creative work of God with creating male and female of everything, but in Genesis 2 we see that God didn’t initially create a female human– she was a special creation. It is this special creation and what it means that has a profound impact on the world we live in and the culture war that American Christianity now finds itself waging.
Let this video from Casting Crowns be a call to all of us to remember to be present with our families, to invest our time in them and not our devices!
If you’re trying to be consistent with your Biblical Theology, you’ll attempt to use one passage to help you understand another passage of Scripture. This means that when it comes to the passages relating to husbands and wives, you’ll consider all the passages in order to get the feel of what God is trying to say. So what do you do with Galatians 3:28?
Many Christians believe that Ephesians 5:21 (submit yourselves to one another) applies to the following verses on wives submitting to husbands and husbands to wives. Is this consistent with the text or at odds with it?