Somewhat out of nowhere, Elijah appears on the scene at the court of King Ahab of Israel and promises a drought until he says it …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Somewhat out of nowhere, Elijah appears on the scene at the court of King Ahab of Israel and promises a drought until he says it …
In Genesis 32, Jacob is headed back home after working for his Uncle Laban for over 14 years. He has his two wives, two maidservants, …
Adam. The first man created by God. We know very little about this man when compared to some of the other greats in the Bible. …
Life is full of competing priorities. The older you get, the more you find many different things that will compete for every minute—and this is …
So said the scrawling on the bathroom stall I found myself in Monday morning. Now, I guess I could have taken it as a warning, …
They say that artists are a temperamental lot. They’re easily upset, and they may blow up at any time. I don’t think that, up to …