February 23, 2025

Divide and Conquer: How Feminism Has Demonized Men

In Genesis 3, as a result of the fall, the man was doubly cursed. Because he listened to his wife and took the fruit and ate it, he would have trouble growing food and he would return to the earth. But one of the curses for the woman was also a curse for the man, in that it changed their dynamic forever.

Instead of Eve being a helper, someone perfectly suited to complete Adam, the two would always be in conflict, with Eve desiring to rule over her husband and Adam having to fight for his authority. This dynamic of competition instead of cooperation is at the heart of the feminist movement, as this dichotomy plays out differently in every family.

In many families, the husband leads with a heavy hand, exercising authority and sometimes trampling the feelings of the wife. In other families, the wife rules the home, causing the man to wish he lived in a desert or the corner of the house (to borrow from Solomon’s proverbs). This envy and the Industrial Revolution caused the feminist movement.

That’s not to say that there weren’t feminist movements before, but when the home stopped being the center of production and family life, and value and worth were found outside of it, it’s natural for women to want those opportunities, to feel valued, and to do what they can to feel a part of things again.

And so, feminism sought to raise themselves up, not just by touting their abilities, but also by trying to take men down a peg so that they could balance the scales. To do this, a concerted effort has been made across media and in schools to make women increasingly fearful of men.

In 2012, to mark the annual commemoration of the 1989 Montreal Polytechnic massacre of 14 women engineering students, the Canadian Women’s Foundation put out a short but effective little film addressing the problem of male violence—in particular sexual violence—against women. To me it symbolized what I most dislike about feminists’ marketing campaigns: their utter contempt for men, and their willingness to distort evidence in order to demonize them while creating an unnecessary state of fear in women.

The scenario is a baby shower (“It’s a girl!” banner close-up tells us the unborn baby is female). Gifts are being opened by the young mother, as a doting circle of friends and relatives of diverse ages looks on. Notably, every one of the shower guests is beautifully groomed and fashionably kitted out. A gift is passed to the expectant mother. She opens it and holds the unwrapped object up, puzzled. “What is it?” someone asks. An older woman solemnly and sadly responds, “It’s a rape whistle.” The mother looks stricken. A young child at her shoulder smiles at the whistle, clearly uncomprehending. Cut to a black screen with the words, “1 in 2 girls will be physically or sexually abused.”

Pardon? Fifty percent of women will be beaten or raped? Um, well since you asked—and I was the only journalist in Canada who did, to my knowledge—the answer is no. As it turns out, that figure is derived not from an academic study, but, as I was informed by a spokesperson from the Canadian Women’s Foundation, from a poll (20 years old at the time, a point of high inflection for misandry and promotion of #rapeculture amongst influential feminists) surveying women’s perception of abuse.

“Toxic masculinity” in advertising: keeping women scared and men shamed

This kind of programming seeks to divide men and women, which have a built-in animosity after the fall.

Decades of man-hating and of feminists taking offense at things as simple as a man holding a door open for them or paying for dinner have brought many men young and old to the point where their philosophy at this point is they just aren’t going to bother with the niceties and courtesies anymore to the random women they encounter on any given day. 

I can’t say that I blame them because who wants to get glared at or fussed at for simply being nice? Even worse, who wants to be filmed and shamed on social media for supposedly being a misogynist pig for the crime of lifting a heavy box?

WATCH: Female Subway Rider Perplexed Over Why Men Aren’t Offering Her Their Seats and I Have Thoughts

Combating it will take time and alternate programming– or men and women of faith living out a life that focuses on Christ and living for the kingdom instead of keeping score against the sinful human they married.

We are strong. Our children are stronger still. Our grandchildren will be crusaders and inquisitors, whose ruthlessness in service to God and Jesus Christ will be the stuff of myths and legends for centuries to come.

Be the rock on which Clown World breaks. Because one day, the avalanche of justice will bury it beneath a mountain.

We are the Literal Resistance

We may not be able to change the entire culture or world, but we can change our families, impact our communities and churches, and influence the next generation. What will you leave?

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