January 29, 2025

America and the Israelites

There is a lot to ponder as you read through the Old Testament prophets– especially the major prophets. While many look toward Israel, hoping for Christ’s return, parsing every event through that lens and hoping to see a fulfilment to prophecy, I’m seeing the warning signs on the other side about the path that America is taking and its imminent dissolution.

Which might fit with the first item, since America isn’t implied in Daniel or Revelation.

Christian Roots

America was established by men that came from a Christian background. Many of those that came to the New England colonies were religious people, seeking freedom of religion, or from religious persecution. The original thirteen colonies conducted meetings in church areas, educated their children with Biblical stories, held as a common moral framework the Bible and its teachings, and either paid respects to England’s Anglican church or had other Christian church offshoots.

In order to rightly declare Independance from England, the colonists thought it correct to appeal to nature and nature’s God as to the source of all government and freedom. This was partly to attempt to convince the Tories, who remained loyal to the king because of their understanding of passages like Romans 13 in the Bible, which required Christians to submit to the King.

Moral Backbone

For almost 200 years, the country was made up mostly of people that had a similar respect for this same God and understood the need for giving thanks. They respected the church, taught their children via the Bible and prayer, and used that common set of norms and values to form the boundaries of what was right and wrong. They had blue laws, prohibiting alcohol and work on Sundays, they had words that couldn’t be said, strong laws against divorce and adultery, and though some of the elite didn’t respect these laws, the people did and would hold their leaders to account if they were far afoul of the general moral compass.

Diversification and Demise

Whether you think free speech helped this or allowed for the corruption of the common moral framework or not, eventually the mixing of ideas and peoples allowed for the diversity of thought and belief to come into this country. This country is quickly losing its identity because it no longer knows who it is– and this is what happened with the Israelites as well.

Israel conquered the land of Caanan in the time of Joshua by the Lord’s power. They setup their towns and villages, but they did not remove all the peoples of the land and much like the influx of people that is erasing America and its history, the Israelites allowed the people of the land to erase their faith and following of God and His Word, which helped to lead to their eventual collapse.

I’m not saying that God instructed the people to create America, or that there’s any blessing for America mentioned anywhere. What I am saying is that any group that allows itself to be infiltrated from without or within and thinks that it can maintain purity of thought will find that it cannot, and it will eventually fail.

In Jeremiah and Ezekiel we see that the children of Israel got to a point where they could not delineate between their worship of God and their worship of the gods of the land. They had put idols in the Temple, they were worshipping on high places, and they were passing their children through the fire, and when they were confronted about it by the prophets, they made excuses like they were doing it to the Lord– reminding you of the time when Aaron put gold in the fire and a calf came out and he claimed that was God.

A mix and erasure always proceeds a collapse, and while we don’t know what life will be like after that collapse, it’s helpful to know that God is still in control.

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