February 23, 2025

Morning After Pill Available to Girls Under 16 in UK

Girl smile by vagawi

Young girls are having to deal with growing up earlier in our current culture.  If it’s not giving them shots to ward off sexually transmitted diseases, it’s allowing them to get the morning after pill at ages younger than 16:

My daughter Karam Kaur Gill is 11 years old. To me she is a sweet, innocent baby.

Of course we have to accept that in actual fact she is not a baby, and she is on the verge of becoming a teenager, but still we are holding off for as long as possible. Shame then that she isn’t.

At her primary school they are being taught all about sexual health, about life, love and living. Last week she came home with a booklet all about feelings, changes, keeping safe, bodies, babies and families.

It detailed body changes, puberty, the boy/girl thing (their words not ours), diagrams of vaginas and penises in graphic detail.

And of course it touched on reproduction and sexual relationships. Needless to say inwardly we were mortified, feeling that she is way too young.

But apparently not. The morning-after pill has been made available to girls under 16 for the first time. Why are girls under 16 even having sex?

Read more: Morning-after pill for under 16s? It’s madness, says one VERY angry mother who fears it will encourage underage girls to have unprotected sex

It reminds me of my tongue-in-cheek post, Plan B – Buy It For Your Underage Girlfriend!  This just spells danger and culture that doesn’t understand the basic idea that within marriage is the only place to have sex.

Image: Girl smile by vagawi 

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