February 4, 2025

The Outcome of the Birth Control Generation

In a post titled What will sex education sound like when the government sees a need to encourage young women to get pregnant?, Ann Althouse asks a great question:

What if, over time, with perfect reproductive freedom, the choice to avoid childbirth is far more popular than we’d ever imagined? One solution would be to back off from women’s freedom and equality, and I don’t like that. So the thought experiment is: Assume women will continue to have the power to avoid childbirth and complete freedom to exercise that power. Assume we agree that the birthrate must be increased. What can we do?

I’m guessing that society will have nothing that they can or should do.  If women need to be free and equal then there’s nothing to do.  This is not to say that we’re without hope.  Indeed, many women will choose to have larger families and will may choose not to want to vote or exercise feminism like the current brand of feminism, and those that choose not to reproduce will find that they no longer have the numbers and the power.

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