February 13, 2025

Can Christians Choose to Support Some Forms of Birth Control and Not Others?

That’s the reality of the Hobby Lobby decision, despite what they’re saying in the news media:

Again, Hobby Lobby’s health plan pays for birth-control pills, vaginal rings, contraceptive patches, and other items to help female employees plan their pregnancies. The Left’s arguments to the contrary are — surprise, surprise — lies.

What Hobby Lobby will not cover are four contraceptive methods that its owners fear are abortifacients:

Plan B (“The Morning After Pill”)
Ella (a similar type of “emergency contraception”)
Copper Intra-Uterine Device
IUD with progestin

Read more at Left’s anger over Hobby Lobby not about access to medicine – Jill Stanek


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2 thoughts on “Can Christians Choose to Support Some Forms of Birth Control and Not Others?

  1. It means you pay for it yourself and the employer does not have to finance your choice to kill human life. Its sane as proposing an employer pay for anything not a health necessity as most hsa plan cover currently cover. Why do people feel entitled for others to pay for their stuff to be free

    1. Those that disagree with the decision have two responses: Hobby Lobby covered these things before ObamaCare, and the price of that IUD is a month’s salary on minimum wage. Thoughts?

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