Should NPR Continue to be Publically Funded?
National Public Radio was created to get the news heard. It helped get radio stations in small towns. It provided programming with public dollars so …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
National Public Radio was created to get the news heard. It helped get radio stations in small towns. It provided programming with public dollars so …
For a moment, let’s accept the KJV Only argument that King James is the best translation from a manuscript standpoint as well as from tradition. …
In the many years that the female teacher-male student scandals were thrust into our view, you would think that these would have abated, and yet …
Is cutting spending what led us into the Great Depression? Certain economists would like us to think so. The problem is, that idea runs counter …
I didn’t like it when they did it to state and local Constitutions, and I don’t like it when they do it to the Bible. …
Last week, while Japan was in the middle of a nuclear crisis and many were wondering whether fall out would reach the United States, the …
This isn’t the first place that I’ve heard desiring of having something anchored to gold or silver rather than to the Fed, and somehow I …