February 23, 2025

The Power of Children

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I don’t know that there’s a day that goes by that, when someone finds out that I have four children, there is not some comment made about my family’s size and whether or not the person that I’m having the conversation with could do it either.

In fact, in Western Europe and growing in the United States, anyone that has over the standard 2 children (a boy and a girl, naturally) is looked at to be sinful.  I mean, I know, sin is an outmoded concept, but for those that dare have more than the 2 children, they’re the only sinners left.

The Power of Multiplication

For all of those that have small families, choose to have none, or mock the mega families (I’m looking at you here, Duggars), these families know something about math that you’re missing.

You see, math is a funny thing.  Take the Duggars.  They have 19 kids.  If each of these kids is not as ambitious and has an average of 10 children, we find that there’ll be 190 grandkids at the Duggar’s Christmas table (230 if you count the parents and the original children, and their spouses).

If each of the grandkids have 10 children (on average), we’re up to 1900 great grandkids.  You can see where this is headed.

At some point, the Duggar family will have as many members as a small country city—and their influence can grow.

For those of you keeping score at home, if the parental pattern applied to the 2 child family, the number of grandkids is 4, and the number of great grandkids (when the Duggars will have 1900) is 8.

The Power of Church Attendance

But you see, the effect isn’t just the Duggars, it’s all those that regularly attend religious services.

Blume’s research also shows quite vividly that secular, nonreligious people are being dramatically out-reproduced by religious people of any faith. Across a broad swath of demographic data relating to religiosity, the godly are gaining traction in offspring produced. For example, there’s a global-level positive correlation between frequency of parental worship attendance and number of offspring. Those who "never" attend religious services bear, on a worldwide average, 1.67 children per lifetime; "once per month," and the average goes up to 2.01 children; "more than once a week," 2.5 children. Those numbers add up—and quickly. Some of the strongest data from Blume’s analyses, however, come from a Swiss Statistic Office poll conducted in the year 2000. These data are especially valuable because nearly the entire Swiss population answered this questionnaire—6,972,244 individuals, amounting to 95.67% of the population—which included a question about religious denomination. [Hat Tip: Vox Day – Religious fitness and science education]

What this says is that, with all the logic and reason that scientists claim to have, they underestimate the power of having children, and they are actually making themselves more extinct—replacing themselves by the people that prove to actually be wise.

And to close, here’s a humorous video we found over Christmas that definitely sums up the kinds of comments that we here, and we just have four!

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