February 23, 2025

Sexual Rights as Defined By Planned Parenthood

A Couple

One of the things that should bother everyone about Planned Parenthood and Abortion is that the company that provides the abortions is also the same company that is being paid money by the federal government and seeks to profit only if the person chooses to terminate the pregnancy.

There is no way—even if you agree with abortion—that you can justify this situation.

If you cannot believe that a CareNet Pregnancy Center (pro-life) counselor could be objective, how could you believe a counselor who’s paycheck comes from abortion could be completely objective, or even attempt to encourage anything but the “easy way” out.

But It Gets Worse

Planned Parenthood, like any company, knows how to grow its market.  The key is to allow as much sex to happen as possible, and to do what it can to prevent anyone from voicing a message of restraint.

Don’t believe me?

The International Planned Parenthood Federation has a Declaration, and you ought to read it—or at least watch this video1 :

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(Visited 26 times, 1 visits today)
  1. HT: Your Sacred Calling: How Planned Parenthood Defines “Sexual Rights” []

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