February 13, 2025

Sarah Palin, on abortion: 10-11-08

Sarah spoke these words today, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.  How long has it been since we’ve heard someone from the top of the ticket speak so bravely in favor of all life?  God bless you, Sarah.

“In this same spirit, as defenders of the culture of life, John McCain and I believe in the goodness and potential of every innocent life. I believe the truest measure of any society is how it treats those who are least able to defend and speak for themselves. And who is more vulnerable, or more innocent, than a child?

When I learned that my son Trig would have special needs, I had to prepare my heart for the challenges to come. At first I was scared, and Todd and I had to ask for strength and understanding. But I can tell you a few things I’ve learned already.

Yes, every innocent life matters. Everyone belongs in the circle of protection. Every child has something to contribute to the world, if we give them that chance. There are the world’s standards of perfection … and then there are God’s, and these are the final measure. Every child is beautiful before God, and dear to Him for their own sake.

As for our beautiful baby boy, for Todd and me, he is only more precious because he is vulnerable. In some ways, I think we stand to learn more from him than he does from us. When we hold Trig and care for him, we don’t feel scared anymore. We feel blessed.

It’s hard to think of many issues that could possibly be more important than who is protected in law and who isn’t – who is granted life and who is denied it. So when our opponent, Senator Obama, speaks about questions of life, I listen very carefully.

I listened when he defended his unconditional support for unlimited abortions. He said that a woman shouldn’t have to be – quote – “punished with a baby.” He said that right here in Johnstown –“punished with a baby” – and it’s about time we called him on it. The more I hear from Senator Obama, the more I understand why he is so vague and evasive on the subject. Americans need to see his record for what it is. It’s not negative or mean-spirited to talk to about his record. Whatever party you belong to, there are facts you need to know.

Senator Obama has voted against bills to end partial-birth abortion. In the Illinois Senate, a bipartisan majority passed legislation against that practice. Senator Obama opposed that bill. He voted against it in committee, and voted “present” on the Senate floor. In that legislature, “present” is how you vote when you’re against something, but don’t want to be held to account.

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat, described partial-birth abortion as “too close to infanticide.” Barack Obama thinks it’s a constitutional right, but he is wrong.

Most troubling, as a state senator, Barack Obama wouldn’t even stand up for the rights of infants born alive during an abortion. These infants – often babies with special needs – are simply left to die.

In 2002, Congress unanimously passed a federal law to require medical care for those babies who survive an abortion. They’re living, breathing babies, but Senator Obama describes them as “pre-viable.” This merciful law was called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Illinois had a version of the same law. Obama voted against it.

Asked about this vote, Senator Obama assured a reporter that he’d have voted “yes” on that bill if it had contained language similar to the federal version of the Born Alive Act. There’s just one little problem with that story: the language of both the state and federal bills was identical.

In short, Senator Obama is a politician who has long since left behind even the middle ground on the issue of life. He has sided with those who won’t even protect a child born alive. And this exposes the emptiness of his promises to move beyond the “old politics.”

In both parties, Americans have many concerns to be weighed in the votes they cast on November fourth. In times like these, with wars and a financial crisis, it’s easy to forget even as deep and abiding a concern as the right to life. And it seems our opponent hopes that you will forget. Like so much else in his agenda, he hopes you won’t notice how radical his ideas and record are until it’s too late.

Read the rest here.

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6 thoughts on “Sarah Palin, on abortion: 10-11-08

  1. If there’s anyone qualified to speak on abortion, it’s Governor Palin.

    I’m no all-around cheerleader for her, but I’m glad she said truth that needs to be said. All life is precious and we’ve grown to devalue it. Somewhere between 80-90% of Down Syndrome babies are terminated in utero. Having a child of her own that does have special needs, she sees everyday how precious this child is despite him having a disability.

    Out of all of Obama’s record (which isn’t too extensive) I also find his stance on abortion the most troubling. I could have easily supported a “pro-choice” candidate had the candidate been in favor of at least some restrictions on abortion, against Partial-birth abortion, and against abortions post-viability (because it makes no sense that one would be charged with homicide if they killed a premature baby yet no one is charged when a viable fetus is killed by an abortion doctor). Yet Obama’s abortion record is quite troubling and disconcerting.

    militarywifeys last blog post..Carolyn Mahaney on “Doing Good in a Difficult Marriage”

  2. I really hope Mr. McCain speaks out on this and the other topics that need to be addressed Wed evening. All weekend long the dems. have been smoke screening the media with accusations of McCain trying to “smear” Obama when anything is mentioned about Obama’s shady beliefs and associations. Its not smearing to ask honest questions about the company he keeps. I also think they are using the recent economical downswing to draw attention from how bad a man Obama really is. Mr. McCain has one more chance. Ms. Palin is right to speak out. Now he needs to! Its not about being the nicer guy. We all know what happens to the “nice guy”. We want him to challenge Obama on the real truth!

  3. I was thinking too of the socialistic medicine Obama will bring with him to office. If he feels like this about babies, what will he decide about the elderly? The poor who don’t contribute enough to society to be deemed worthy of health care? Its that way in Canada, and France already, isn’t it? I think Obama’s views on abortion are just the tip of the iceberg folks.

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