February 23, 2025

Selling Sex Sells Our Girls Short

new york love

Human beings are interesting creatures. From the smallest infant to the first created being we want what we shouldn’t have. We desire to know that which we would be better off not knowing, and we get the most pleasure out of doing that which we should not do.

This is at the root of the problems people have with obedience, it is the cause behind gossip, and it’s the reason why a glorious thing that was supposed be shared between two individuals in the privacy of the marriage bed is instead used to sell everything from underwear to shampoo to overstocked merchandise, and is treated by the coming generation as just another commodity.

CherylTunneyARC_468x638 Take, for instance, Cheryl Tunney. You may never heard of here, but she is like most teenage girls in many senses. She “is a huge fan of boys bands, likes chatting to friends on the Internet and going out.” The problem is the “hobby” that she has.

“Since losing her virginity at 16, this young girl claims to have had sex with at least 50 men she picked up on the Internet.”

Why would a girl resort to promiscuity at her age?

During sessions with Dutch sexologist Maria Schopman, Miss Tunney claimed she was promiscuous because she was lonely after her parents split up three years ago and was unable to talk about her feelings.

I’m not sure what to make of this quote. If it’s true, that the way to cope in the aftermath of divorce, then this is one of the best reasons for staying together I’ve ever read. But sex is everywhere– and this young lady was deceived into thinking that men that had sex with her actually valued her. She believed– like many girls are unwilling to admit– that sex to them is supposed to be about more than pleasure, but that’s not reality for the men that are using these girls.

We are teaching our girls to disregard their emotions, to feel that random sex is normal, but at the same time these girls are searching for an attachment that sex was supposed to signify.

There’s a reason that there was supposed to be a courtship, a ring and a promise before there was physical intimacy. With these things, the girl/woman could be assured of the emotional fulfillment. She could know that there would be no loneliness. Instead our culture has sold these girls short– and so they bounce from bed to bed looking for something that they will not find in an one-night-stand.

But that’s the effect that we get when we trivialize this most intimate pairing. It’s the result of a society that thinks of sex as something to sell used cars with, not something to nurture a relationship– and something that only married couples should engage in.

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3 thoughts on “Selling Sex Sells Our Girls Short

  1. Yes, it does seem like sex is used to sell nearly everything these days.  I think eventually we will all become bored of sex through over exposure.

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