Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. The family is recuperating, but at the same time there is a lot going on at our house as I’m sure that there’s a lot going on at yours.
So, until I can get some time to write some new posts, take a look at some of the stuff that I’m reading:
Leo Babauta talks about how to organize and simplify your blogging so that you can write good content and still have a life:
- Limit your blogging hours.
- Limit communication.
- Limit promotional activities.
- Limit stat checking.
Jesus Skateboarding in His Skivvies
Should the King of Kings and Lord of Lords be portrayed as a topless guy on a skateboard?
If abortion was supposed to solve the problem of inconvenient pregnancies and “unwanted” children, how come we have a whole fatherless generation?
Great question.
The Earth Was Much Warmer One-Thousand Years Ago
If this is the case, then what does that mean for Global Warming and the Industrial Revolution– is it all natural after all?