February 23, 2025

A Reminder of God’s Promises

Autumn Scene It seems that it never just rains, but it pours.  As you know, I’ve been a little under the weather, and although I’m just now coming out of it, the adventures I have had over the past couple of days have reminded me that God promises to never give us more than we can bear, and that He makes no mistakes.

Late Wednesday night found us scrambling to take my second child to the hospital (via 911 and an ambulance).

Through many prayers, a couple of doses of ephinedrine, and some steroids, and we were all back home.  Only to find that we had more trouble waiting for us– overtired people combined with children that had slept through the night and did not know that anything had happened!

What’s remarkable is that through it all we were blessed.  Neighbors that we hadn’t met came to help us watch the kids.  The Pastor’s family made us a meal (even though they’re in the middle of dealing with chemo treatments).  Family that came to our aid despite the fact that they might get sick as well.

It’s times like these that you’re thankful for people– for who they are, and what they do– and you don’t take anything for granted.

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2 thoughts on “A Reminder of God’s Promises

  1. Those times are so difficult, we have been there several times, but God is always faithful!
    I hope your little one is better and that you are on the mend as well.

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