January 25, 2025

Godly Husband: How Well Do You Know Your Wife?

This entry is part 9 of 17 in the series Godly Husband

Guys, how well do you know your wife?  To some degree, we have to know our wives– they’re probably the person that we’ve spent the most time with on a daily basis (I guess, though, most of that could be sleeping!).

But MInTheGap, how can I really know my wife (you’re asking)?  I mean, women are from Venus, and they think differently, emotionally or whatever.  Just when I think that I understand her, she changes.  It’s like a never ending guessing game.  The interesting thing is that God, through Peter, told us that it is possible for us to live with our wives according to knowledge:

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

– I Peter 3:7

This verse is interesting.  It follows immediately after the praise of Sarah for calling Abraham lord and admonishing wives to be under the subjection of their husbands.  We like to emphasize that part– whether it’s because of insecurity, arrogance, or just liking that we’re finally in charge.  What we miss is the “likewise”.

Take a look at this.  We’re to dwell with our wives according to knowledge– we’re to know them.  This will take time and work– because, as I said earlier, they seem to change a lot.  We need to spend time talking with them, seeking their interests, their desires.  We need to develop good communication– and that means that sometimes we have to turn the computer off and stop blogging and talk to them.

Ok, so maybe for you it’s the television or something else that you’re doing by yourself.  If you look at your day and a majority of it is a one person entertainment extravaganza and you’re not spending time talking with your wife, you have to change!

Notice the warning at the end of this verse– if you don’t dwell with her according to knowledge, and don’t honor her as the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life your prayers could be hindered.  Did you see that bold text?  Your prayer life– your very communication with God– depends on how you deal with your wife– how you know her, how you honor her…  it’s big stuff.

So men, I ask you: How well do you know your wife?

Series Navigation<< Godly Husband: What Do You Care Most About?Godly Husband: Are You There? >>
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One thought on “Godly Husband: How Well Do You Know Your Wife?

  1. Ooh, I love that 1 Peter 3 passage, it’s a wealth for both husband and wife. :wub: (wow that clickable smiley feature is wonderful!)

    The “likewise” part is as you said so important. That passage had just gotten done telling the wife that she could win her husband without a word by her gentle and quiet spirit…

    Great blog post!


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