February 23, 2025

Examine your heart

I hope that you’ve received a blessing from this series on Worldly Worship and I encourage you to examine your heart.  I know that for part of my own life the only time that I did real examinations of my heart were at coming to communion– when the pastor told me to!

We should be in the habit of maintaining accountability with God on a moment by moment basis.  It also does not hurt for us to prepare our hearts before going to worship God and see if there’s anything between us and Him.

You will recall that our prayer life, our relationships, and our worship are worthless without having a proper relationship with God– with nothing in the way.  This week, and from now on, purpose to make sure that you’re heart’s prepared to worship (of course, not just on Sunday).  Make sure that God is in your thoughts, and not the fact that the speaker’s going long or you have a roast in the oven.

Purpose to get something out of the speaker’s message.  Take notes.  Think about what happened in the last service.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would do a work this week.  Look for ways to make a difference in others lives.  Be willing to take on actions that may stretch you– but do it in His power and for His glory.

I think that, if you do these things, you will find yourself growing in Him.

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