February 23, 2025

Surprise– Study Says There is More Sex On TV

This study ignores what I’ve said before about the proliferation of violence, but it needs to be stated:

Television these days is loaded with sex, sex, sex _ double the number of sex scenes aired seven years ago, says a study out Wednesday. And the number of shows that include “safer sex” messages has leveled off, it said.

There were nearly 3,800 scenes with sexual content spotted in more than 1,100 shows researchers studied, up from about 1,900 such scenes in 1998, the first year of the Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

The proportion of shows with sexual content in prime-time on the major broadcast networks _ ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox _ also increased, the study said. Nearly eight in 10 network shows, or 77 percent, included sexual content. That’s up from 67 percent in 1998 and 71 percent in 2002.

Media watchdog groups say there’s way too much sex on television during the hours that kids may be watching.
“Kids who have repeated exposure to sexual content become sexually active at an earlier age. The research is absolutely there,” said Tim Winter, executive director of the Parents Television Council.

Regular readers know that I think this is the path that Sodom and Gomorrah must have travelled for Lot to get to the point that he would offer his daughters to the homosexuals outside his door– be careful out there.

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2 thoughts on “Surprise– Study Says There is More Sex On TV

  1. I hear you! The language is getting bad and the nudity and such is just plain disgusting, even the commercials are getting a little to liberal for my taste.

    Very sad indeed.

  2. I can’t stand what is on TV anymore, and I don’t even have cable! It is to much for kids, and adults. I agree, the commercials are getting to be to much!

    Heather 🙂

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