MInTheGap Logo Contest: Your Vote Counts!
Last Chance! Polls close today! Look for the winner tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST Current Stats: 1. 37 points 5. 20 points 2. 18 points …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Website updates
Last Chance! Polls close today! Look for the winner tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST Current Stats: 1. 37 points 5. 20 points 2. 18 points …
Want a quick way to keep up on the posts that are happening on MInTheGap? This site supports RSS. Simply put, most newer browsers and …
— Scroll Down for New Posts —What I really need around here is a good logo and site design. I’m not saying anything negative about …
Today starts a new meme that John C. (a regular here) and I have decided to try to see if we can share with the …
Mary, from over at Home-steeped Hope, is one who wishes to stand up and be counted as one that will stand in the gap! That’s …
Please be patient as I get adjusted to my new home here at I’ve just enabled commenting without having to register, so that should …
Welcome to the new MInTheGap. Here we’ll have some discussion about things that are going on and how they effect us. As this is a …