Trackback Test
You may have noticed that if you have referenced an post on this site at your blog that you have not had a trackback show …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
The tech/geeky side of the blog
You may have noticed that if you have referenced an post on this site at your blog that you have not had a trackback show …
Every blog should have a Sitemap. Why? Because a Sitemap allows Google and other search engines to find all of your content easily without having …
Have you seen the new Firefox Add-Ons recently? The one that’s really been getting the news is the new one released from Yahoo! called “YSlow“. …
After a long time running the comvatars plugin which automatically picks your avatar based on a column in the comment table– and has given me …
Rules of participating: 1. Copy this post. 2. Replace [my bloggers with yours] & Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about …
So, by now you’ve seen the prompt to register for this blog, but you wonder– what’s in it for me? Why should I register? Well, …
MInTheGap and his family will be celebrating this day of remembering the freedoms which we are blessed with to be in this country, and will …