If It’s Really a Baby, That Should Settle It
The single most important question when it comes to life in the womb is whether it’s alive and whether it’s human. Since it’s both, that …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Those posts talking about the Pro-Life position.
The single most important question when it comes to life in the womb is whether it’s alive and whether it’s human. Since it’s both, that …
Regardless of what science or medicine say about life in the womb, the pro-abortionist still has a response: Even if the unborn are human beings, …
If it’s so obvious that a child in the womb is a baby, a human life, then why would mothers choose to end the lives …
Watch any television drama that has a death take place, and you see someone check for a pulse or brainwaves. Once those things are not …
One of the arguments for giving the baby in the womb a different name is that we believe that what we can’t see must be …
A baby, by any other name, is still a baby. However, some today are attempting to change the name Fetus to mean “less than human” …
One of the arguments that the Pro-Abortion side of the debate uses to attempt to assuage guilt and justify their position is to assign and …