A Modern Great Depression
Why does everyone want you think that massive unemployment is right around the corner? To make you dependent on the government!
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
Why does everyone want you think that massive unemployment is right around the corner? To make you dependent on the government!
Durham investigation is heating up, and some leaks are coming out. Justice soon?
Gen Flynn’s court woes have produced yet more information on what the FBI knew and when they knew it and what the insiders thought about Trump-Russia
I first was introduced to this crazy card game as a Christmas present a few years back. It came with the base deck and an …
Are we on the cusp of a Civil War? Right before the first one, the South said that a man should not be elected President, and he was, and we know what happened next. Are we at that point again?
Lost in the politics of discussing what Pres. Trump knew and when he knew it is the understanding that while we think the current 180k …
This Sunday will test the wills of Grace Community Church and Los Angeles County. GCC is committed to staying open and having services inside. Who will attend and what will happen to them? What would you do?