A case of Mistaken Identity
John Kerry’s crew has a case of mistaken identity. Let’s see if you can tell the two apart: Which of these is running for President, …
Standing in the Gap in a Society that's Warring with God.
John Kerry’s crew has a case of mistaken identity. Let’s see if you can tell the two apart: Which of these is running for President, …
Again, if it wasn’t enough to remove monuments outside courthouses, the latest is this order from Houston that forbids a Bible to be displayed in …
They’ve finally beefed up border control a little. what seems to me a mockery of the defensive posture we’re supposed to have has taken a …
The Mess that is the Judicial Confirmation Process I was reading today how Senator Levin from Michigan has a cousin-in-law that he wants to get …
It’s interesting, thinking about the upcoming Presidential election and who to vote for. I’ve heard and read of many people on all sides of the …
It looks like there are time where good things happen to the right people at the right time. Conservative values triumphed in Oklahoma in a …