October 17, 2024

Is It Time to Come Out of the Churches?

That is what Bethel Ministries would have you believe. Someone by the name of Harry Bethel has written a web page warning Christians that now is the time to leave Christian churches. Why?

  1. There are no God-sent pastors.
  2. There are no scripturally organized local churches.
  3. As much as half of that which is taught by true Christians is heresy.
  4. Christians will go through the Great Tribulation.
  5. Power will be given to the Antichrist to overcome true Christians, many of which will take the Mark of the Beast.
  6. Christians remaining in churches will likely be overcome by the Antichrist.

The problem here is that a lot of what he has saying has a degree of truth or wisdom about it. For instance, here are some of the reasons that he does not believe that there are any God-sent pastors:

A God-sent pastor would accept and apply the truth of Romans 13:8 to not owe any money or finance anything including houses, automobiles, furniture, appliances, church buildings or have business loans or loans for anything else. He would not use or have credit cards.

A God-sent pastor would not watch television and would not allow the congregation to do so.

A God-sent pastor would not be involved in, or allow, dramatic presentations or movies for the congregation.

A God-sent pastor would have the discernment to see through most of the contemporary “Christian” music and anything that even resembles rock music. There is no such thing as “Christian rock” music. That is an abomination to God.

And on it goes. A lot of it are things that we’ve been discussing in our discussions here at MInTheGap– taken to the extreme.

First off, I’d like to point out to Mr. Bethel, if that is his name, that God chose many people that were not “perfect” or had perfect ideas to serve his kingdom. And we don’t have to go to the Old Testament, even. We could look at Apollos or some of the people that Paul mentions that, even though they attacked him personally he was pleased that the Gospel was being proclaimed by them.

It’s absurd to expect a perfect person to be the only person to be called into the pastorate, but Bethel does bring some interesting points up for discussion. Let’s look at them together in the coming days, shall we?

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7 thoughts on “Is It Time to Come Out of the Churches?

  1. A God-sent pastor would not watch television and would not allow the congregation to do so

    I sense a little too much legalism in Bethel’s doctrines. A God sent pastor might not watch television, but how is he going to “not allow the congregation to do so”? All things are lawful, even if not all things are helpful.

    Looking at his list:

    2. There are no scripturally organized local churches.

    I covered this on my articles looking at Church structure from 1 Timothy. He is right, but his assumptions that (a) there was ever one scriptural organisation of church; and (b) that we should emulate only such a structure; and indeed (c) that we can even know exactly what that structure was; are all wrong assumptions.

    3. As much as half of that which is taught by true Christians is heresy.

    Only half? 🙂


  2. One wonders: Do you consider yourself a “true Christian”, Mr. Bethel? If you do, do you realise that, by your own definition, half of what you are teaching is heresy?

    I wonder if the teaching that half of what is taught is heresy is heresy, or some of the other doctrines?! 🙂

    In any case, like I said, he has some really good issues, and I think that we’ll find the discussion of some of them to be edifying to us here, as well as allowing us to grow in our understanding.

  3. I think the guy is off his rocker. LOL…

    I don’t agree with even half of the things he mentions.
    such as:

    1.There are no God-sent pastors.
    2.Christians will go through the Great Tribulation.
    3. Power will be given to the Antichrist to overcome true Christians, many of which will take the Mark of the Beast.
    4.Christians remaining in churches will likely be overcome by the Antichrist.

    Uhm, show me some scripture Mr. Bethel.

    I think it far more likely that Mr. Bethel falls under the scripture about false teachers abounding in those last days.

    Perhaps it isnt that bad, perhaps only some of what he teaches is false. But still…

    Regarding 1. Those who are in authority are given that authority by God, lest we pick and choose and rebel.
    Regarding 2. There may be some NEW Christians who go through Tribulation, but seems to me most current Christians will be “caught up”.
    Regarding 3. I seem to recall that Scripture says “lest I shorten the days even the elect would be overcome” But He DOES shorten the days so that the elect cannot be overcome. Further more I seem to recal yet another scripture that says “even the elect woudl be decieved, if that were possible”, which is rhetoric, meaning, of course it ISNT possible.
    Regarding 4. uhm, i see no scripture to suggest such a thing, please show me Mr Bethel. (or anyone else who might agree).

    Regarding TV, Dramatic movies, etc… uhm, since when is technology sinful regardless of what it portrays?? the TV isnt the Devil, but what one chooses to watch may be influenced by the Devil. I certainly think technology such as TV and Radio and Internet can be used for God’s purposes, and to spread the Gospel, yes even a dramatic movie (if it is Christian in nature and there are some.)

    Still disagree about that Christian Rock Music issue too.

    But I think that the issue abotu debt might be a good point.

    Waiting to hear all the opinions,

    Mrs Meg Logan

  4. I find what Mr Bethel says pretty hard to swallow. What person would tell people that “it is time to come out of the churches.” It is very clear in the New Testament that we are to congregate together.

    Most of his comments seem to be rather far-fetched and quite frankly deluded.

    He is judging when he should not be judging.

    And being a person who listens to metal Christian music, who is he to say it is an “abominiation to God?” I wonder what he must have thought of David dancing in the streets in worship. I believe he shuttered or perished the thought.
    Like any daddy, God the Father probably is smiling down on his children for singing to him in any type of music that honors Him.

    This guy is delusional.

  5. Hello!
    I must confess one thing, if you let me. It was my post on my blog, http://sveana.blogspot.com/2006/09/balancing-on-edge.html, that gave birth to this discussion, though preceeded by my correspondence with Mr Bethel himself. I had no different problems with his teachings than you do, and asked some honest questions. The answer blew me away. I quote:
    “I am sorry to say that you are very much lacking in discernment and, as I
    have discovered in trying to correspond with many who are in your spiritual
    condition, it would be an utter waste of time to try to convince you of the
    truths presented on my web site.”
    Asking honest questions is “a spiritual condition” to this man.
    Meg, I wholeheartedly agree with you on the music issue, as well.
    Really, on all isues.

  6. No movies in church? Is this guy Amish or something? I think legalists like this guy are far more likely to fall under the spell of the anti-Christ than God fearing, freedom loving Christians.

  7. Harry Bethel is a true disciple and prophet of God! I’m in total agreement with Harry that it would be an utter waste of time to try to convince Christains of the truths presented on his website. May the Lord have mercy on apostate, lukewarm end-time Christians!

    In Christ Jesus,


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