May 2, 2024

Bookmarks for September 9th from 02:11 to 07:11

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These are my links for September 9th from 02:11 to 07:11:

  • Vox Popoli: Take a look around – “America is following Europe into a secular post-Christian period. But can be seen in Europe, secular post-Christianity is not sustainable and rapidly leads towards rampant paganism. And, as has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout history, paganism is easily trumped by Christianity. Unfortunately, History’s cycles are rinsed with blood.” — Read the full article, but he makes a great point. A lot of America Christians judge what’s happening in the world (and Christ’s return) by what is happening in America. But the truth is that Christianity is thriving in Africa and Asia, it just is going to get rougher for American Christians than they have ever been used to.
  • Even America’s liberal elites concede that Obama’s Presidency is crumbling – Telegraph Blogs – “The fact The Post is reporting that not only could Republicans sweep the House of Representatives this November, but may even take the Senate as well, is a reflection of just how far the mainstream, overwhelmingly left-of-centre US media has moved in the last month towards acknowledging the scale of the crisis facing the White House.” I have this feeling that both houses might change hands, though it’s also possible that the House will just change. Definitely not as surprising as 1994, and Republicans need a consistent message other than “We’re not Democrats.” I know that they have some plans– but they need to make sure others know!
  • Sinking with Obama, Democrats plan political triage | Washington Examiner – “Is all this just a response to a sputtering economy? Political scientist Alan Abramowitz, on a panel with Sabato and me at the American Political Science Association conference last weekend, said he thought so. I disagreed. I think what we’re seeing is a rejection of the Obama Democrats’ big-government policies. The president and his party thought that in times of economic distress most voters would be supportive of or at least amenable to a vast expansion of the size and scope of government.” — What do you think? Sputtering economy or rejection of big government? I want it to be the latter, but I’m sure it’s partly the former.
  • Vox Popoli: Take a look around – “America is following Europe into a secular post-Christian period. But can be seen in Europe, secular post-Christianity is not sustainable and rapidly leads towards rampant paganism. And, as has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout history, paganism is easily trumped by Christianity. Unfortunately, History’s cycles are rinsed with blood.” — Read the full article, but he makes a great point. A lot of America Christians judge what’s happening in the world (and Christ’s return) by what is happening in America. But the truth is that Christianity is thriving in Africa and Asia, it just is going to get rougher for American Christians than they have ever been used to.
  • Facebook | Koran Burning Is Insensitive, Unnecessary; Pastor Jones, Please Stand Down – “Book burning is antithetical to American ideals. People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation – much like building a mosque at Ground Zero.” — Palin’s comments on this issue are sane and in line with what is and is not protected in America. This “Pastor” is not a follower of Christ, who said in Matthew when he was accused of not paying the temple tax– here’s money to pay for it, even though I don’t owe it, so that we don’t cause offense. Hard to see where the application of Matthew 5 and 6 fits to this event. True, I believe that Islam is wrong and those people need Christ, but this isn’t the way to go about it.
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