February 28, 2025

American Manufacturing Is The Key

For years we’ve traded the ability to make things for the financial rewards of having them built elsewhere. In the meantime, as jobs moved overseas, we raised minimum wage prices to try to adapt– forcing companies to automate and seek to create mechanisms where they could get more work from automated sources. It’s a doom loop that seems like it has no end.

Except it isn’t:

The vice president and many of the new administration have demonstrated passion for reindustrializing the country and creating a jobs boom that has not been seen in this country for decades. 

This is not just an economic challenge – it’s a moral imperative to secure our nation’s future while being good stewards of our resources, which include the people of this great country. 

The good news is that American innovation and determination can overcome these challenges. In my own company, we’ve developed systems that can transform someone who’s never set foot in a factory into a highly productive team member in weeks, not years. We pay well, offer equity, and provide meaningful work contributing to national security. This isn’t about replacing American workers with automation – it’s about empowering them with technology to manufacture for America faster and better than ever before, creating new and better jobs along the way. 

Likewise, the Trump administration’s commitment to reindustrialization, American manufacturing and our workforce can begin on Day One.
Rebuilding American Manufacturing: It’s Not Just Plants, It’s People

If we’re serious about being America First, we will do this. If we’re serious about providing for our children, and their children we will do this. If we don’t want to vanish from history, we have to do this.

I mean, it’s obvious– America can’t win a hot war with China, but it can certainly win a trade war!

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