February 23, 2025

The Trump Plan for Immigration in 2025 Is Coming Together

GOP think tanks around the country are working to figure out how to carry out the massive deportations that it would take to get illegal immigrants out of this country. Some estimates suggest as many as 20 million illegal immigrants currently reside here, and some are those that many countries would not accept back.

While many compassionate people look on these illegal aliens and wish they could be in America, news like this comes out showing just how bad these other states are, and what would be pouring over our borders if we keep them as open as they are:

When Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office in December 2018, the CIA concluded that drug groups controlled about 20 percent of Mexican territory. By 2022, the US Northern Command concluded that up to 35 percent of Mexico was under direct control of drug cartels. That does not seem like success. If that trend line continues, Mexico will be a narco-state within four years. The drug cartels directly employ about 170,000 people, making it that nation’s fifth largest employer. If you consider people who make a living supplying goods and services to the cartels, they are probably the most significant economic engine in Mexico.

Rolling Stone’s Exposé of Trump’s Plan to Target Drug Traffickers Is Really a Trump Campaign Contribution – RedState

You could make the argument that we should be granting more asylum applications because of how bad it is in Mexico; however, this is an unstable territory only looking to get worse, and we know that much of what causes a state to get bad comes with the people that got it in that shape. The rot travels from one apple to another, as it were. It would be better to send help to Mexico and get that country stable than to let it poison the USA and take us further into the territory that country has become.

A future President Trump is either going to have to rely on the military here or take a page out of President Biden’s playbook and start doing the activity regardless of what the court says– or there may not be any America left to defend.

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