The Democrats are frustrated that President Trump decided to stick with Federalism for his answer to the issue of Abortion. “Leave it to the states” is effective when everyone can see what the states are doing.
The new plan is to get Republicans on the record on birth control– which used to be tied to the abortion issue, and some of which can cause an abortion by preventing implantation of the conceived child.
Trump responded to a question about this bill: “We’re looking at that. Things really do have a lot to do with the states, and some states are going to have different policies than others.” So: leave it to the states. The benefits of federalism. But that’s a little hard to understand, and Democrats are pushing Republicans to speak in these mystifying terms that cause anxiety about what’s really going on.
After Trump got a chance to see the reaction in the media, he stepped away from the federalism talk and said that he would “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control” or a “ban on birth control.”
Althouse: “This is a clarifying political vote that will put every Republican on record as to whether or not they believe in a constitutional right to contraception….”
I expect that this bill will pass easily, as the culture is far from banning what has been instrumental in allowing it to redefine family, marriage, and children– and may ultimately prove part of its downfall.