February 23, 2025

Moms for Liberty the new KKK?

Part of the election that saw Glenn Youngkin become governor of Virginia was ordinary moms and dads standing up to the left in school board meetings– standing against the left. Knowing the power of the people and what’s happening today, the SPLC has taken a step to try to label representatives of these people with the darkest brush they can.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which brands mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups,” placing them on a map with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan, added a slew of parental rights organizations to that “hate map” for 2022 and labeled them “antigovernment groups.”

“Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups,” the SPLC’s “Year in Hate and Extremism” report claims.

“These groups were, in part, spurred by the right-wing backlash to COVID-19 public safety measures in schools,” the SPLC report says. “But they have grown into an anti-student inclusion movement that targets any inclusive curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities.”

“At the forefront of this mobilization is Moms for Liberty, a Florida-based group with vast connections to the GOP that this year the SPLC designated as an extremist group,” the report notes. “They can be spotted at school board meetings across the country wearing shirts and carrying signs that declare, ‘We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.’”

Far-Left Group Puts Moms for Liberty on Map With KKK Chapters

Time will tell whether this will change anyone’s minds, or whether it’s an attempt to change social media. For now, it would appear that these Moms have all the right enemies.

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