A recent survey said that a majority of Americans do not believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is not ready to assume the Presidency, even though most people do not expect President Joe Biden to complete his first term. Former President Trump commented to Sean Hannity that he doesn’t believe that President Biden is running things at the White House, and when all the statements regarding this recent Afghanistan debacle seem to indicate that people at the White House are calling the shots, and President Biden is just the front person, well, you could see why there’d be cause for concern.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 43% of Likely U.S. Voters think Harris is qualified to assume the duties of the presidency, including 29% who think she is Very Qualified. That’s down from April, when 49% said Harris was qualified to become president. Now, 55% say Harris is not qualified to assume the duties of the presidency, including 47% who say she is Not At All Qualified.
“Most voters believe it’s likely that President Joe Biden won’t finish out his term of office, and don’t think Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step up to replace him.”
In her post, Althouse goes on to show that VP Harris is headed overseas– maybe a chance to try out foreign diplomacy?