February 23, 2025

Trump Comes Home And Casts Doubts on COVID-19 and the New Normal

Today, President Trump returned to the White House after his brief stay at Walter Reed Medical Facility. He Tweeted out early in the morning that he was headed home, and didn’t disappoint. After landing, and walking over the building, he quickly mounted steps to the balcony, removed his mask and gave a salute.

Many on Twitter thought that he was gasping for air. For me, considering his weight and the number of steps, I’m sure that in his condition he would be gasping for air until he caught his breath!

Obviously, the left either believes he is dying or faking it– time will tell which one they will go with, but what’s certain is that he wanted to send his supporters the message that he is victorious over the worst parts of the virus, and is back in charge.

See for yourself:

The New Normal

The gasping, the treatment, and VP Biden’s call for universal masking raises other concerns, though. People are beginning to wonder if the whole thing is over-hyped. If October 2020 President Trump, in his mid seventies, and overweight, can beat COVID-19, why do we still have with us draconian state measures that stop normal life.

The battle to take back our freedoms is happening all over, with a Wisconsin court overturning the stay at home order to Michigan’s Supreme Court ruling against their governor’s orders as well. The country doesn’t like the idea of what was billed as “flatten the curve for the next 15 days” spilling into their fall… especially when the survival rate continues to get better. Many are wondering why they ever complied in the first place.

Read this whole thread, but the fact that we have to take whatever they say on faith, rather than science, and no one seems to be arguing that we should social distance, mask, stay home for the regular flu or other respiratory infections seems to make this feel more like a power grab or something to do with the election, rather than something to do with health.

Some people have gotten really sick, and have died from COVID-19, it’s true, but life is full of risks, and the question is balance.

He’s totally right. And even traditionally left leaning organizations are seeing that this new normal looks more authoritarian and less like a free society, and warns that we need to curb those that would seek to get power just to wield it over others.

SpyGate: CIA holding back?

Gina Haspel is Director of the CIA, and according to the Federalist, she is on a one-woman mission to slow roll information that would break the SpyGate story wide open:

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification and release of key Russiagate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid, multiple senior U.S. officials told The Federalist. The officials said Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency’s station chief in London in 2016 and 2017, is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.

Intel Sources: CIA Director Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden

Congressman Devin Nunes is pretty upset, suggesting to Maria Bartiromo that if the intelligence agencies won’t provide the documents to Congress or the White House that maybe Congress should consider abolishing them!

This is because Nunes has seen the underlying documentation that back’s up Ratcliffe’s letter that was sent, and believes it all needs to come out, but Haspel is blocking the declassification… perhaps hoping that President Trump will lose the election and the Democrats will not continue the investigations.

There’s also some news that some agents may be threatening Durham that they’ll unleash other state secrets unless he leaves them alone and stops his investigation:

Now, more anonymous sources… Who knows. The point I’m seeing is that many are saying that there’s more here, and it’s possible that more leaks out. Maybe Trump can flex some muscle now, we’ll see.

And lastly, a US Attorney that was looking into the unmaskings that happened around the time of Gen. Flynn in the White House is leaving:

John Bash is one of five known U.S.A.O.’s who were tasked to provide supplemental support to the John Durham probe. Specifically Bash’s objective originated after the extensive unmasking of Michael Flynn was discovered; however, that objective was expanded in both scope and time as explained by AG Bill Barr on July 28, 2020.

U.S. Attorney Responsible for Obama Unmasking Investigation Abruptly Resigns…

The timing of this is quite suspicious, isn’t it? This is the second attorney that I’m aware of that has left the DOJ that was related to Durham. Are they finding something bad?

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