All I have to say is that if Trump isn’t reelected in November, I doubt anything will come of the whole SpyGate investigation, because it seems that this is taking forever, and when things do come out, it’s stuff we already know.
From an interview that Barr had with Hugh Hewitt:
HH: I’m not going to ask you, because you wouldn’t answer whether there will be indictments or not. But when do you expect that the public will know a definitive assessment of where the U.S. Attorney Durham is going?
WB: As soon as we feel we have something that we are confident in to tell the people about.
HH: Is that imminent?
WB: No, it’s not imminent. But I’m not sure what imminent means. I’m not sure what imminent means, but it’s not imminent.
Report: U.S. Attorney John Durham Expanded Team in Recent Weeks