March 13, 2025

April 6 is the New Y2k

Don’t look now, but if you have a flight for April 6, you may want to reschedule:

Don’t look now, but there’s another Y2K-like computer-calendar problem on the way, and this one arrives in just one month: April 6, 2019.

That’s the day millions of GPS receivers will literally run out of time, rolling over their time counters back to zero, thanks to limitations in timekeeping for older GPS devices. Many navigation systems may be affected, such as on ships or older aircraft, although your smartphone will be fine. 
But because GPS satellites are also crucial to digital timekeeping used by websites, electrical grids, financial markets, data centers and computer networks, the effect of April 6 may be even more wide-ranging.

GPS Flaw: Security Expert Says He Won’t Fly April 6

How about you? Does this scare you at all, or will it be Y2k and basically a non-event?

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