February 23, 2025

Human Rights Council Sham

Much has been made about the U.S. leaving the Human Right’s Council. Last week, when President Trump met with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, many were upset that by him being present he normalized this radical leader. They said that he shouldn’t have met with him because of his terrible record with his people. These same people are now decrying leaving a group which has known human rights violators on the council and see no disconnect:

We have no doubt that there was once a noble vision for this council. But today, we need to be honest – the Human Rights Council is a poor defender of human rights.

Worse than that, the Human Rights Council has become an exercise in shameless hypocrisy – with many of the world’s worst human rights abuses going ignored, and some of the world’s most serious offenders sitting on the council itself.

The only thing worse than a council that does almost nothing to protect human rights is a council that covers for human rights abuses and is therefore an obstacle to progress and an impediment to change. The Human Rights Council enables abuses by absolving wrongdoers through silence and falsely condemning those who have committed no offense. A mere look around the world today demonstrates that the council has failed in its stated objectives.

Its membership includes authoritarian governments with unambiguous and abhorrent human rights records, such as China, Cuba, and Venezuela.


So what we have here is the United States trying a policy for a long time, and when it doesn’t work, previous administrations just, well, kept on trying. This new administration is basically saying, “This isn’t working, let’s try something else.” Time will tell whether this strategy will work, but we certainly know what happens when we keep trying the same thing.

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