February 23, 2025

Makeover Shows Causing Envy, Jealousy

Stop Looking! Fashion Runway 2011 by Henry JoseI’ve called TLC “The Lust Channel” before, and with good reason.  TLC shows a lot of reality shows geared on telling you that you are not good enough, that your house isn’t good enough, your clothes aren’t good enough, your family isn’t good enough, or your life isn’t good enough.  I’m not sure how much of that is supposed to be learning.

Blanche Johnson asks the question, Do TLC’s makeover shows do more harm than good? and she focuses in on the fashion shows and the messages they give to young women:

“When we suggest to girls already in an early age that developing a great look is more important than forming a well-rounded personality, then we have become an active part of creating a more superficial, heartless society,” Atwal continued. “Also as a mother I say that I want no part of that. Outer beauty can only really shine in the presence of inner beauty.”

Obviously there are some that benefit from these shows.  Many may be inspired to greater levels of health and wellness.

I’m not calling for these shows to go away, but you need to realize that all shows are proclaiming a message and you should go into them eyes open knowing that you could be affected.

Image: Stop Looking! Fashion Runway 2011 by Henry Jose

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