February 23, 2025

What Does Petraeus Have To Lose?

flagDavid Petraeus, at the heart of recent marital and security scandals, and at the heart of the Benghazi cover-up, will come before Congress today, and The Weekly Standard believes that he will report something different from the last time he was there the last time:

David Petraeus is going to tell members of Congress that he “knew almost immediately after the September 11th attack, that the group Ansar al Sharia, the al Qaeda sympathizing group in Libya was responsible for the attacks,” CNN reports.

In his closed door meeting on the Hill,  “[Petraeus] will also say he had his own talking points separate from U.N. ambassador Susan Rice. [Hers] came from somewhere other in the administration than his direct talking points,” Barbara Starr of CNN reports, referencing a source close to Petraeus.

So he’s distancing himself and the CIA from the political operation, but still saying that he knew one thing about the incident, but testified to another.  Interesting.

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