February 23, 2025

Blessed Assurance

Power in the Blood

There are many hurt people out there.  The unfortunate thing is that some have been hurt by people that name the name of Christ, and this has the effect of turning people away not only from the people that have hurt them, but from God Himself and His Church.

Many of these people struggle to come to grips with what happened.  Some attempt to keep a relationship with God, but end up searching for something opposite their experience in an attempt to flee everything attached to those people that hurt them.  Many of them end up rejecting the church and proclaiming Atheism—conflating God with those who claim to follow Him.

For both of these groups, there is healing at the cross, and there’s answers for their questions.  However, the latter group is less likely to see this and instead will pose endless questions regarding the faith.  These questions are important to consider and have answers for.  So, this is where we find ourselves with today’s post.

If You Weren’t Born to Christian Parents…

This question goes to whether one can consider the Bible true:

Much of what we believe in terms of religion is based upon what our families pass down to us, the geographical location we are born in and the time we are born in. Many of us stick to whatever the default position of our society is. With that in mind, how can one confidently assert that their faith, and theirs only,  is the path that leads to God?  [Blessed Assurance – Part 1; emphasis theirs]

Mother Reading Book to KidsConversion stories here will not suffice, for the author herself claims to have converted from Baptist to Atheism.  No, to successfully answer this question will take more—it will take evidence.

Let’s start with the question and see where we go: How can one confidently assert their faith, and theirs only, is the path that leads to God?

First, there has to be a worldview that correctly reflects reality.  It may not be explicitly spelled out, but the framework should exist (or could conceivably be created).

Second, we currently have multiple frameworks that are defined to attempt to explain reality.  They are partitioned into three basic formats: Atheism and Agnosticism, Pluralism, and Monotheism.

From these two, we can make the following deductions:

  • Atheism is actually pretty easily handled philosophically.  All it takes to disprove the atheist is the presence of one god—doesn’t have to be the Christian God.  It’s simply the presence of the Supernatural.  There is overwhelming testimony of people throughout the ages interacting and experiencing supernatural events, such that it’s absurd to believe that atheism best reflects reality.
  • Pluralism is ridiculous, because the belief that there can be multiple paths to God or gods conflicts with the Monotheistic religions’ statements that they’re the only way.  You cannot logically state that every way can get there and only one way can get there.
  • Monotheism is pretty cut and dried.  All of the monotheistic religions believe in exclusivity: either they are right or they are wrong.

Which Denomination?

Country ChurchWhat I really believe author is getting at is not comparing religions, but more comparing sects of Christianity against each other.  In her follow up post the author proves that she doesn’t understand Biblical Christianity.

At the time of the New Testament, there were multiple different sects and even heretical camps at work.  Of the heretical camps, Paul condemned them because of the fact that they taught a false Gospel.  Of those that were not heretical (some of which attacked Paul and his ministry), Paul praised God that the Gospel was being spread.

What’s truly interesting is what Paul said in Romans 14—that it’s possible for something to be sin for one believer and not sin for another.  The Christian walk is founded on Christ’s work on the cross, but from there is differs because we are different people.

Is there one sect today that is correct in everything?  Jesus never promised this.  What He did say was that His Word would last forever, and that His Word was true.  Therefore, it is more important to find a church that preaches the Word and is willing to stake its life on it than it is to find a church a particular denomination.

Do I have opinions on controversial topics—certainly.  Am I arrogant to believe that I have them all right… I probably don’t.  But I am sure of this.  Any church that says that you have to belong to their church to be saved is wrong.

Salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ alone—not from a church.

Image from Stock Exchange used under the Standard Restrictions explained at the link.

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11 thoughts on “Blessed Assurance

  1. Very interesting post, I see a few of my posts inspired a response. You are correct when you state that I am comparing sects of Christianity, as this is the faith I was a part of for the longest. I do wish that you could provide a stronger answer to the issues I brought up. It is frustrating to be told to just “follow the Bible” and find a “church that preaches the word and is willing to stake it’s life on it”-if you let many sects tell it that is ALREADY what they do! They claim to preach “the word”, they claim to follow the same inspired Bible yet come up with different doctrines. It would truly be much easier if it were as simple as you are making it out to be, but it is not.

  2. “There is overwhelming testimony of people throughout the ages interacting and experiencing supernatural events, such that it’s absurd to believe that atheism best reflects reality.”

    This is the evidence you are using to prove that God exists? Seriously?

  3. “Atheism is actually pretty easily handled philosophically. All it takes to disprove the atheist is the presence of one god—doesn’t have to be the Christian God. It’s simply the presence of the Supernatural. There is overwhelming testimony of people throughout the ages interacting and experiencing supernatural events, such that it’s absurd to believe that atheism best reflects reality.”

    Actually no. First, having a lot of ‘populum’ makes an argumentum ad populum fallacy no less so. A great deal of testimony with no evidence, isn’t evidence. Second, strictly speaking ‘supernatural’ could easily involve something other than a deity or deities.

    “Pluralism is ridiculous, because the belief that there can be multiple paths to God or gods conflicts with the Monotheistic religions’ statements that they’re the only way. You cannot logically state that every way can get there and only one way can get there.”

    You’ve excluded polytheism.

    “Salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ alone—not from a church.”

    This of course presumes that christianity is correct.

  4. “Many of these people struggle to come to grips with what happened. Some attempt to keep a relationship with God, but end up searching for something opposite their experience in an attempt to flee everything attached to those people that hurt them. Many of them end up rejecting the church and proclaiming Atheism—conflating God with those who claim to follow Him.”

    This is one of my pet peeves as an atheist. Instead of listening to and accepting our reasons for atheism, some Theists would rather psycho-analyze us and come up with their own reasoning to explain why we have abandoned religion. Please! I have certainly been hurt by religious people in both the church and the masjid. I have seen my fair share of hypocrisy and ungodly behavior. But that is just people being people, for we all have the same traits regardless of our beliefs(or lack thereof). I didn’t abandon religion because I got my feelings hurt. Given the fact that I was raised to believe I would be tortured eternally in hell for abandoning Christianity, I certainly would not walk away from it simply because a few people made me mad. I would not bother to risk such a fate over hurt feelings. No, I abandoned the Abrahamic religions because they make no sense to me. The idea that an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God would create Adam and Eve-knowing in advance what they would do-boggles the mind. The idea that a talking snake came along and convinced a woman to take a bite from a forbidden fruit-and that ALL of mankind is deserving of death and hell because of it-was illogical once I started to think without fear. The idea that man has to be saved and that a supposedly All Mighty God can accomplish this salvation through offering Himself as a human sacrifice-again, it doesn’t make sense.

  5. Hi! What a really great post. I have a friend who just got his faith back.. He has a tattoo saying that god does not exist on his arm up til now, but it doesn’t stop him from going to church every Sunday. He said he’ll keep it for another 2 years to remind him of how stupid he was. It’s funny cause, he got that tattoo after a breakup, and he said he’ll never fall again. Until he met his wife, and they’ve been together for 2 years now, and he said that now he believes that God really did care.

  6. Great article! My uncle once gone to the wrong path, but last 2 years he was touched by the holy spirit. Thanks to the good words of the bible, he is now active in delivering His words. He stopped from using drugs and quit drinking liquor too. Now he’s a renewed Christian.

  7. When feeling so down, I never fail to pray and pray… I know that God will not give me the trials I can’t afford to take… Just keep my faith and everything will turn out fine in time…

  8. The idea that a talking snake came along and convinced a woman to take a bite from a forbidden fruit-and that ALL of mankind is deserving of death and hell because of it-was illogical once I started to think without fear.

  9. every church’s message should be clear to keep peace between each other. it mustn’t be about things like fighting.

  10. Read your article. You are dealing with the real world, Keep your focus on God and remember what he ask of us “love the creation but condemn the act” All of gods creation are good, it is we with the freedom of choice that he has given us that choose to do bad things. I emphasize “keep your focus on God and His will”

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