February 23, 2025

Bookmarks for October 25th through October 27th

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These are my links for October 25th through October 27th:

  • Christian Quotes of the Founding Fathers (Page 3) – “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
  • Greenspan Says Lower Taxes Good, Outrageous Deficit Spending Bad | All American Blogger
  • Deficit Panel Targets Areas to Cut – WSJ.com – “To balance the budget by 2015, excluding interest payments on debt, means officials would need to find roughly $240 billion in annual savings, according to commission documents. Panel officials also hope to issue recommendations that would “meaningfully improve” the country’s long-term fiscal situation.” – If I read this right, this is just balancing the budget, not getting out of debt. And even this number is couched with “excluding interest payments on debt.” Man, what a hole we’re in!
  • Deficit Panel Targets Areas to Cut – WSJ.com – “To balance the budget by 2015, excluding interest payments on debt, means officials would need to find roughly $240 billion in annual savings, according to commission documents. Panel officials also hope to issue recommendations that would “meaningfully improve” the country’s long-term fiscal situation.” – If I read this right, this is just balancing the budget, not getting out of debt. And even this number is couched with “excluding interest payments on debt.” Man, what a hole we’re in!
  • Why the US has turned against Obama – Telegraph – A good explanation for the polls siding with the Republicans in 2010
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One thought on “Bookmarks for October 25th through October 27th

  1. I vote my conscience now too. I think if more people would do this, our country would stop being that red v blue game you are talking about.

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